There are times where courage seems to vanish, where confidence seems to be hiding.
I cant count the number of times when I feel like this.
The feeling of not being appreciated, listened and everything and everybody seems to be draining out of you.
These are times when I feel like doing nothing and let everything slip out of my hand.
Telling people that " You think it's easy? Why not you do it? "
But the thought of not completing whatever I started always holds me back.
Sometimes, I ask God, why? Why have You made me like this?
I just wanna stay at your feet and feed. I wanna smile to you and say Daddy God thank you for making my day.
Why is it that when things are piling up, it seems to me harder to do so?
Nevertheless, I still thank God that whenever such things happen, i just wanna draw close to Him.
Let Him offer me counsel that comes from above.
You are still the strength that holds on to me whenever I can't stand still.
Thank you for not giving up when when I have given up
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